
You Tube Censors Misinformation on Health

Your unelected Big Brother determines what you will not be able to see, and what you can see on YouTube. https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/13813322?hl=en&ref_topic=10833358&sjid=18133387288062641257-NA#zippy= Medical misinformation policy –…

Peggy from Porcupine explains AM PM on Building Fortunes Radio

Hear Peggy from Porcupine explain AM PM on Building Fortunes Radio https://www.buildingfortunesradio.com/peggy-from-porcupine/peggy-from-porcupine-on-am-pm-product-for-energy-mood-sleep-gut-health-on-building-fortunes-radio-4573 Peggy From Porcupine Radio Show… Peggy from Porcupine introduces the new AM PM…

PFAs are linked to weight gain and here is how

PFA’s linked to weight gain Here’s a great article explaining this challenge with chemicals in the environment and weight gain. https://anh-usa.org/banning-pfas-chemicals-a-good-step-in-combatting-obesity-epidemic/ Banning PFAS Chemicals a…